Tesla Owners - Don't Make The Same Mistake


Too many Tesla owners make this one mistake. If you’re looking at purchasing a Tesla model S, Model Y, Model X, or Model 3 avoid making this same mistake. Here’s how.

Tesla model 3 mistakes model x model y

There is no doubt Tesla has grown into a luxury brand with its model S, Model X, Model 3, and the model Y. No more expensive gas station trips, only plugging it in when you arrive home. But this does not mean they are “cheaper”. Tesla has corned an eco-friendly market that demands elegance and class. A massive screen placed direct center in the dash controls the entire car. Other features like self driving, having a card for a key, and doors that close by themselves prove this is a car of luxury.

Now the problem with any luxury car is we do not want to damage them, ultimately lowering the value. So as the price of the vehicle climbs, the need to protect it does too. Tesla owners want there cars to look just as good in 3-5 year as it did the day they bought it. Lets get real, they are one of the best looking cars on the road.

Here is the Problem

The problem most people make when purchasing a new car, eagerly sitting in the sales office signing paperwork. Meanwhile the dealership is preparing that car for you (in Oklahoma, new Tesla’s only get delivered). They are cleaning it up, adding in the floor mats, and installing their lame license plate tag. New Tesla keys are now in your hands.

At that point you take it home and show your friends your new ride. You thought that was it right? You spent your hard earned money and it is time to hit the road. What really happened is the dealer just washed their hands of it. One lucky salesman is enjoying a nice commission, and it’s now your problem until the day you sell it.

The majority of people don’t know, but go look at any car more than a couple years old, and what you find is upsetting. Peppering, or many small rock chips, can be found across the bumper. When purchased, it didn’t look like that. So in conclusion you can have your Tesla look brand new even 3 years later, but you have to do something about it. Even careful driving cannot escape the harsh conditions of city streets.


“Clear bra” or paint protection film must be installed. No this is not just a sales pitch. Take my SUV for instance. Its worth about half of a Tesla brand new. And guess what? The entire front end is protected with protection film. I would actually install clear bra on any new car i purchase.

Now i know clear bra is not cheap. A standard price for a full front end package on a model 3 in Oklahoma is around $1,800. I mean, all of the models all pretty similar. But you do need this protection if you ever want to fully enjoy your new Tesla. Driving around town peppering the front bumper, is not why you bought a Tesla. This $1,800 should be a part of your budget when you are buying a new car.

The roll of paint protection film is already very expensive, but a lot of the cost is labor. Without many years of experience paint protection film is almost impossible to install correctly. Remember that thing earlier about Telsa’s being luxury cars? Well you can probably save your money and not protect your ford escape. But when you get into Tesla territory, protecting that finish is a no brainer. With clear bra you wont look at your model S in 3 years and cringe at the rock chips.

Wrapping the whole car would be the ultimate protection. In fact, many Tesla owners do this. Most of the road hazards get taken out on the front bumper, but many scratches and other problems can occur throughout the car. Remember my SUV i mentioned earlier? I constantly here little rocks pop up and bounce off my bumper. The other day as a semi passed it threw a rock up onto my hood, leaving a nasty nick. I really wish i had protected the hood too.

Where to get it done

At Precision Films we specialize in paint protection film. We work on some of the worlds most exclusive investments; private jets, large boats, and exotic cars. Don’t let that scare you. Our day to day is protecting luxury daily drivers. We price our services very competitively for this market. Just because we work on exotic cars doesn’t mean the mid-range luxury car work needs to be expensive too. After all, these are the cars we see all the time, not the weekend worriers.

You might already own a Tesla or are patiently waiting on your Tesla to arrive. Start planning on scheduling your appointment ahead of time. That way, when your new Tesla arrives we can get your paint protection film installed quickly, so you can fully enjoy the open road.

Request a Free Quote to Protect the Finish on Your New Tesla Today!

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